Steel supply services

For over a decade, Navco has been providing the construction industry with high quality steel fit for purpose. We provide a range of services to suit the needs of your project. From large volume purchases to custom fabrication, we’ll work with you to get it right the first time.

Steel procurement

Once we’ve comprehensively understood your order requirements, we’ll engage our network of local and international suppliers. We specialise in residential and commercial construction steel orders, but can also access steel for a range of other purposes.


Offer and Negotiation

Once we receive your request we’ll begin finding and negotiating the best pricing offers from the market internationally.

We’ll deliver you the best offers and once you decide we’ll need a Purchase Order from you. We can then provide our own Purchase Order to the supplier.

Contracts and hedging

The supplier will then issue a contract of sale, and once signed by both parties production begins.

We’ll forward book foreign currency as the vast majority of deals are done AUD to customer and USD to supplier.

Freight and documentation

Once production is complete, the supplier will inform us, then we’ll book a freight forwarder.

When the supplier receives payment from us in full, they will provide documentation once the cargo is shipped.

We then provide this documentation to the freight forwarder for customs clearance and book in local transportation for when it arrives.

Delivery and payment

Cargo will arrive at port and is then cleared by the forwarder. It then hits the road and is delivered direct to the customer.

Once you’re satisfied with the product has arrived in full and in good order, we’ll issue our invoice to you.

Delivery logistics

Once an order is placed, you won’t need to worry about when or how it will arrive on site. We’ll manage logistics and clearance with our suppliers and ensure everything arrives on time. Whether it’s to one location or many, your steel order will be delivered.

Steel financing

Managing international finance transactions and doing it before the product arrives on site carries its own risk. So we finance all purchases on behalf of our clients to minimise risk to you. All of your transactions will be in AUD and you won’t have to worry about foreign exchange rates or currency transfers.

Custom steel fabrication

Need something specific? We work with clients and suppliers to create custom steel products. Just supply us with drawings and we’ll begin the process - from drafting, to product samples and final quality checks before beginning mass production.

Forging network connections 

Sometimes you might just need to be steered in the right direction to find a solution. Even if we can’t assist you, we’ll connect you with our wide network of steel industry contacts so you can get the solution you need.

Cross-cultural guidance

Our extensive experience working internationally means we can help clients successfully manage cultural sensitivities. This is particularly important in Asian cultures where centuries of trading has occurred which has created certain nuances that are still prevalent today.